PRICELIST 9 products found Grouped by weightGrouped by weightPrice ascendingPrice descendingName ascendingName descending Special offers New releases Your selection: Monnaie de Paris x Remove all filter x Precious metal Gold Silver Category Gold coins Silver coins PriceEURO 10 - 50 200 - 500 500 - 1000 Fine weightGRAM 1 - 4g 4 - 8g Producer + Country of origin Family Euro Gedenkmünzen Francs Frankreich Series Quality bankenüblich bank accepted and better Age group 2011 various GOLD COINS EUROPE 20 French Francs Lou..5,81g Gold 561,47 €* 20 French Francs Angel5,81g Gold 489,86 €*instead of 499,86 €* 200 EUR France regions 4.0g gold 342,78 €* 10 French Francs Nap..2,9g Gold 279,73 €* 20 French Francs Lou..5,81g Gold 524,10 €* 20 French Francs Ceres5,81g Gold 506,93 €* 20 French Francs Nap..5,81g Gold 543,29 €* 20 French Francs Lou..5,81g Gold 527,47 €* SILVER COINS 1/2 - 1/20 OUNCE 10 Euro France Round..5,66g Silver - 2022 24,18 €*