Product no.: | 10198 | Fineness: | 999,0/1000 |
Country of orgin: | China | State: | Münzen sind angelaufen / weisen weiße Flecken auf |
Production: | since 1983 | Edge: | ribbed |
Fineness: | 30,0 g | Gross weight: | 30,0 g |
Year of minting: | diverse | Denomination: | 10 CNY |
Diameter: | 40,00 mm | Thickness: | 2,60 mm |
Capsule size: | 41 mm | Change of motive: | yes, yearly (Ausnahme: kein Motivwechsel in 2001 und 2002) |
Packaging: | Original-Kapsel, Plastik-Sheet, Masterbox |
Packaging II: | For orders from 15 pieces, the coins are delivered in plastic sheet, ab 450 pieces we deliver the orginal masterbox of the producer. |
Mint: | China Gold Coin Incorporation |
Picture: | The pictures are exemplary and can possibly differ from the original. |
Authenticity: | Wir prüfen die von uns angebotenen Silbermünzen in einem mehrstufigen Verfahren (u.a. Magnetwägung und Leitfähigkeitsanalyse) auf Echtheit. |